image of recipe

Aunt Clara's Dominican Sofrito & Sazon

by: Aunt Clara

Cuisine: Dominican

Major allergens: none


2 cubanelle peppers, diced

6 cloves of garlic, crushed

1 medium red onion, cut into strips

3 bunches of cilantro, chopped

1 teaspoon of powdered annato/anato/bija

1 tablespoon of oregano, fresh leaves, or 1 tsp dry

A pinch of salt

1 tablespoon of olive oil


To use immediately

Saute all the ingredients at very low heat until they release their flavor and the onions have become translucent. Continue with your cooking preparation.

To store

Combine the ingredients and mix in a blender until you obtain a coarse paste.

Keep refrigerated for up to a week. Or freeze in a zippy bag for up to a month.